Proper philosophy can be found in any language and in any good teacher...
Such as Pythagoras, and some of his golden verses...
4. Be a good son, just brother, tender spouse, and good father.
5. Of other men, make him your friend, who is most distinguished by virtue.
6. Listen to his kind words, and copy his good deeds.
7. Do not hate your friends for a small fault.
8. Now, Power is a near neighbor to necessity.
9. Know these things; accustom yourself to being the master of your passion.
10. First gluttony, then sloth, luxury, and anger.
11. Do no shameful act in private with yourself, nor with another.
12. And above all things, respect yourself.
13. In the next place, be just both in deed and word.
14. And let it not be your habit to behave yourself thoughtlessly.
15. But consider this, -- that all must die.
16. And that as the good things of fortune may be acquired, so they may be lost.
17. As to those calamities which befall men through divine fortune.
18. If you should suffer, suffer in patience, and resent them not.
19. Do your best to remedy them, and bear in Mind,
20. That destiny does not give the largest share to good men.
21. Many sorts of reasoning's, good and bad, are to be found amongst men.
22. But be not disturbed by them, do not allow them to harass you.
23. But, if anything false of yourself be put forth, bear it patiently.
24. Listen now carefully to what I am about to tell thee.
25. Let no one ever seduce you by their words or acts.
26. Nor make you do what is not seemly.
27. Deliberate before doing, in order that what you say and do, may not be foolish.
28. For it is the part of the stupid man to speak and act without thought.
29. But do you act so that you shalt not be troubled by the result.
30. Do nothing also which you do not understand.
31. But learn all that you should know, and so shalt you live a pleasant life.