In recent years our investigation of the city of Jacksonville, FL, has turned up the most disturbing of all scenarios. That the city itself is controlled intricately by the Illuminati or New World Order. Everything from the reconstruction of roads, to the educational systems implemented, down to the construction of ports and buildings all scream "ILLUMINATI" influences.
If you are a citizen of Jacksonville ask yourself about why the city seems so hell bent on the quick and yet tactical improvements of it's highways. Then ask yourself why particular structures of unseemly unusual architecture is being placed into new malls.
Did anyone know that Jacksonville is now part of a global sister city organization that plans on turning Jacksonville into a main trading port city? It's true.
Their are only seven of these cities in the world. Kind of like the seven sisters of the pleadies star constellations. Coincidence?
There is no such thing as coincidence.
The city of Jacksonville has many other "global" plans, all being made by a special committee on globalization headed up by mayor Peyton.
Who elected these officials in the committee and what are there names?
No one knows.
People of Jacksonville your being sold out to the devil in disguise. And when the time comes to stand up for yourselves...
it will be to late.
We need to start fighting now.
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