If we tell ourselves that their is nothing to worry about because we cannot change the way things are, then in turn we are completely worthless. I hear people all around me complain about the way the world is today. Yet, those that I hear complain do not commit themselves to doing what is necessary. Because, they believe that they need countless millions of followers and an unlimited ammunition supply to change the world.
These people will never change the world...
because they are made weak, because their enemies control them.
If we must do what is necessary, then we must accept that our first action starts from within ourselves. We must not be fools, we must not accept convenience, we must not be lied to, and we must not let anyone other than ourselves determine our place in the world we live in. We must believe in higher ideals, we must believe in teaching morals, believing in our Religions, and saving our children.
I know now that those who complain around me cannot do what is necessary, because they cannot love others and they cannot love salvation.
We have a choice in life.
What is easy...
What is convenient...
What is blind obedience...
and then,
What truly is necessary.
Live for others, at any cost, and you will see change.
-Erich Weisz
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