1. Despite how much a "cup of joe" at Starbucks really costs, the farmer who worked hard in the field picking coffee beans, still gets paid next to nothing in wages.
2. Starbucks doesn't allow human rights monitors to verify claims that workers in
third world countries are working under poor conditions.
3. Starbucks has stated that one of it's goals is to put any or all competition out
of business.
4. Apathy for Religion and GOD(or atheism), is accepted by Starbucks and their
A certain un-intelligent Starbucks cup reads...
"Why in moments of crisis do we ask God
for strength and help? As cognitive beings,
why would we ask something that may well be
a figment of our imaginations for guidance?
Why not search inside ourselves for the power
to overcome?
After all, we are strong enough to cause most
of the catastrophes we need to endure."
Bill Schell, a Starbucks customer from London, Ontario.
He describes himself as a "modern day nobody."
5. In history the Starbucks logo used to also be known as the pagan god "Dagon".
As our responsibility to contributing to the end of corruption, INVERSEHALO, is going to bring down the hammer upon bad coffee, ignorant employees, and devil worshipping based logos and any coffee shops associated with devil based logos...
I can only think of one coffee corporation, STARBUCKS.
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