The human ability to rationalize the idea of "freedom" begins and ends with the level of happiness that we see as being satisfactory. What is defined to us as being free is really a matter of personal opinion. What one man might see as freedom another man might see as being "disillutioned". The ultimate truth to the ideal of being free is as primordial as being truly happy...
A child in a playground, at least in his/her mind, is free and happy. The moment two lovers spend together without the constrains of time, are free and happy. The artist who focuses on the beauty of his painting and nothing else, is truly in his place.
These ideals are different yet everyone of them are a status of being, "free".
When we forget to live peacefully and when we begin to believe that we as individuals are all that really matters, then we are starting down the road to slavery. We can be enslaved by someone else as well as enslaved by our own selves. In today's world it's hard to remember about everyone's personal opinions. Yet it's never to hard to remember our egos personal agenda. When we begin to live for others and stop living for ourselves we then are truly...free.
A. Malik
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