Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A "Free Society"

A free society is one that lives with the decree, "No one is greater than those who are happy and work to make others happy around them". This kind of a free society would also see that selfishness and apathy are the true elements of an uncivilized autocrat. The idea of a "governing" body of people would be assembled from all those who put others before ones self. The participants in this kind free society are not victims of prejudices, anger, jealousy, or guilt. Nor is anything seen greater than the preservation of all life and the allowance of any life to be lived to the greatest potentials that are humanly possible. These ideals, would be the character of a society free from tyranny and oppression. The opposition to these ideas, would be exactly what led the Nazi's to systematically destroy thousands of innocent Jewish people.

The freedom we seek as a civilization can be summed up with an analogy about the nature of procreation. Within the act of conception, we are ensuring a future where the opportunity to continue a free society can and will exist. At birth, we are liberated, into a world where we have an opportunity to partake in our own lives. Yet throughout our lives, it is our own personal responsibility to educate ourselves, to contribute to experience, and to help others with the life that we have been benefited with. All of these things are given to us, freely, by the Universe, and the fulfillment of them is ensured by our personal right to live without the constraints of oppression or any tyrannical system.

While we can honestly understand that within life their are responsibilities grafted upon us by the Divine, we must also understand that all fall short of divinity when measured against even our own selves. Thus, no man shall be fit to lead others, that cannot understand the bond between what is considered the natural laws and mankind; and what is known as perversion against these universal laws. Anyone who dares to judge using their interpretation of these laws (instead of teaching a fuller understanding of these laws) is in direct conflict with the whole of natural law:
"Judge not and you will not be judged", or as natures says "Kill and be killed".

No single person can hold dominance and rule over another, just as a tree cannot hold authority and power over the animals and birds that live upon it. A symbiotic system is truly, a free system. So, if nature is to be understood as a harmonious balance between all flora, fauna, beast, insect, and creature, than mankind is to its own self; also a member of this balance. It is rhetorical to note, that this balance of harmony should be a contingent between each man, woman, and child. Because the balance that humanity holds to itself, affects the very essence of order throughout all systems in the natural world. If we tarnish the perspective on our society, then the environment around us also falls into discourse. And, if we maintain a course of destruction upon ourselves, then our environment will seek to re-balance itself from it's disease it knows as, Man.

Our perspective on today's society is an important one. The inheritance of mankind's future hangs on the threads of our conscious actions. What we choose to do today ultimately defines what is in store for us tomorrow. For if we allow ourselves to become enslaved by our animosity and our egocentric attitudes then we have truly forfeited our natural rights to live freely and happily as a civilization. Each person may have his/her own fate, but why should we burden the entirety of mankind with our own self-produced holocaust?

This is the meditation for today's generation:
....To stand together and erase our indecencies, before natural consequences erase all of us and our opportunity of any future.....

-by Aramal Malik

1 comment:

One of many outlets said...

I have a lot of problems with the concept of freedom and the idea of a free society. The problem comes when I ask what is freedom. What does it mean to be free? are we free or how does one know they are free? I look deep at this and think to myself that freedom is as abstract a thought as faith or love. I believe that we are all as free as we like to be. I don't mean that their aren't consequences for our choices, that will always be the case, but that we always have a choice no matter what the situation. We may not like the situation or think that we don't have a choice but to be in the situation but that's the thing, you have a choice how you are received in the situation or how you experience it. The thing about consequences is that they really don't matter because it's after the fact. You make a choice and that choice becomes your being, this choice will reflect on who you are both to yourself and others around you. when you apply this concept of freedom to society you find more and more people who don't want to be free. let me re-state that, people who don't know what it means to be free. look at the media and advertisements. their commands and people respond to them because they haven't been taught otherwise. I wouldn't make a bold enough statement that people don't want freedom but that people just haven't really experienced it. true freedom feels dumb. it feels irrational and above all it feels human. think of all those times you truly felt free, it could have been as soft as watching the sun set, kissing that girl you fought for, or as hard as getting into a fight, throwing a rock through a window, no matter what it is it was a choice that you become trapped in. The choice defines an aspect of you and you become a prison of that choice. so freewill or freedom is more of a prison that a lot of use have never looked deep into enough to actually realize what hold it has on us. I don't think this is a bad thing though i think this is a great thing. if we all realize that freedom comes with fetters we will be that much more conscious of our choices. because that means that choice, no matter what it is, is the most important choice. it means that everything you do matters. freewill is horrific because it demands that you acknowledge it. that you become slave to it or master to it. That in itself is a choice. which is to say, do you want your choice to matter or not? and who is it going to matter to; you, your friends, family, co-workers, or humanity?

So what does it mean to live in a free society...well first and foremost, before we can talk about that we have to remind people what it's like to be free. at least that's what i think about it. Second, if everyone is to truly realize what freedom and freewill mean then maybe the whole idea of people needing a leader will become obsolete and instead well have more of a council of wise men and woman who can help guide a village, town, city, state, or country in the direction it needs to go in.

Let me finish with this. I live with thoughts. I've been in my head for a long time and really never practiced much of what i reflect on. but this past year is where things have become completely different. For once i am putting to practice my ideas and concepts. I'm learning to be free i guess you could say. and i hope whatever i learn is of importance to someone else who was once in my position. anyways good thoughts guys i always enjoy reading it, gets the cogs moving.