Monday, November 24, 2008

Renovations and Humanity.

If anyone was wondering where we are and what we are doing?
Inversehalo, is going through some renovations for the holiday's...

-we've added new members
-started reconstructing the Main Site
-broadened our information
-creating new videos
-creating new projects
-revising our strategy for current projects :)

The winter season is a time where all of us from Inversehalo, commit ourselves to do charity work for the homeless, the elderly, and the sick.
While the main issues of abortion, human rights, and corruption are still important to our endeavors...

We can't forget about the ones who are in constant need of help to survive.
For further information on how to help us help others this season, contact our R.C.O.V. unit.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Character of "Change"

The over dramatic emphasis placed upon the Presidential elections this year has focused the "opportunity" to change this country from the direction that we are currently going along. Which reminded me that even though we must always have an open mind about everything and everyone, their is an undeniable truth when it comes to character...

"...When the emphasis of the life is upon its spiritual part we term him the individual idealistic, but when the emphasis is upon the material part we term him materialistic. Character is determined by the plane of his own nature upon which the emphasis of the individuals life is placed. Every human being has moments when he rises above his own level; also moments when he sinks below that level. This level may be termed in music the keynote of the individual, with the sharp as its higher and the flat as its lower phase."
Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy.

Let's hope that America as a whole ends on a sharp note.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A "Free Society"

A free society is one that lives with the decree, "No one is greater than those who are happy and work to make others happy around them". This kind of a free society would also see that selfishness and apathy are the true elements of an uncivilized autocrat. The idea of a "governing" body of people would be assembled from all those who put others before ones self. The participants in this kind free society are not victims of prejudices, anger, jealousy, or guilt. Nor is anything seen greater than the preservation of all life and the allowance of any life to be lived to the greatest potentials that are humanly possible. These ideals, would be the character of a society free from tyranny and oppression. The opposition to these ideas, would be exactly what led the Nazi's to systematically destroy thousands of innocent Jewish people.

The freedom we seek as a civilization can be summed up with an analogy about the nature of procreation. Within the act of conception, we are ensuring a future where the opportunity to continue a free society can and will exist. At birth, we are liberated, into a world where we have an opportunity to partake in our own lives. Yet throughout our lives, it is our own personal responsibility to educate ourselves, to contribute to experience, and to help others with the life that we have been benefited with. All of these things are given to us, freely, by the Universe, and the fulfillment of them is ensured by our personal right to live without the constraints of oppression or any tyrannical system.

While we can honestly understand that within life their are responsibilities grafted upon us by the Divine, we must also understand that all fall short of divinity when measured against even our own selves. Thus, no man shall be fit to lead others, that cannot understand the bond between what is considered the natural laws and mankind; and what is known as perversion against these universal laws. Anyone who dares to judge using their interpretation of these laws (instead of teaching a fuller understanding of these laws) is in direct conflict with the whole of natural law:
"Judge not and you will not be judged", or as natures says "Kill and be killed".

No single person can hold dominance and rule over another, just as a tree cannot hold authority and power over the animals and birds that live upon it. A symbiotic system is truly, a free system. So, if nature is to be understood as a harmonious balance between all flora, fauna, beast, insect, and creature, than mankind is to its own self; also a member of this balance. It is rhetorical to note, that this balance of harmony should be a contingent between each man, woman, and child. Because the balance that humanity holds to itself, affects the very essence of order throughout all systems in the natural world. If we tarnish the perspective on our society, then the environment around us also falls into discourse. And, if we maintain a course of destruction upon ourselves, then our environment will seek to re-balance itself from it's disease it knows as, Man.

Our perspective on today's society is an important one. The inheritance of mankind's future hangs on the threads of our conscious actions. What we choose to do today ultimately defines what is in store for us tomorrow. For if we allow ourselves to become enslaved by our animosity and our egocentric attitudes then we have truly forfeited our natural rights to live freely and happily as a civilization. Each person may have his/her own fate, but why should we burden the entirety of mankind with our own self-produced holocaust?

This is the meditation for today's generation:
....To stand together and erase our indecencies, before natural consequences erase all of us and our opportunity of any future.....

-by Aramal Malik

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Why so Serious?"

Members of Inversehalo, have been noticing that some of our signs and posters are starting to disappear......

That's GREAT!!!! This is a wonderful response to our projects.

We've noticed that our posters in front of abortion clinics and signs pasted along certain roadways are being quickly (and sometimes violently) removed. Even though the brevity of our products are either a child's smiling face or just a plain "inversehalo" advertisement.

It's apparent that our work is getting underneath some peoples skins, and that their reaction tells us that emotions like fear and anger are getting the best of them. This behavior proves that people who commit acts against humanity, cannot rationalize clearly when provoked or put under pressure. They attempt to erase their guilt by removing and destroying the cause of their anguish. This decision is made from an irrational point of view , in option to using a logical and morally sophisticated manner of settling the issue. An intelligent individual wouldn't let motivational concepts over-ride his/her focus or goals. Instead, they would ignore the provocations and gain the higher moral ground....
Of course, that kind of individual would evidently be, "guiltless".

So, as you can see, we are very excited about the response to our posters and signs. It tells us a great deal about the person(s), who are acting so "seriously".
But, as Thomas Paine would say,
"These are the time's that try men's souls".

this is a poster placed in front of an abortion clinic on University Boulevard around late August, early September....

this is how the area looks as of October 1st...


Monday, September 15, 2008

Obsession the movie: Distributed 9-14-2008

On Sunday, September 14,2008; the Florida Times Union along with many other news papers distributed a free copy of the 1-hour documentary on "Radical Islam's War Against the West", which is entitled, Obsession. This documentary is focused on the extremist militia of Islam, who participate in Jihad. Aside from any credible information which confirms association with Islamic fundamentalists and 9/11, the film paints a gruesome picture of the Islamic world. Even though at times the film does make mention that radical Islamic fundamentalists and the Islamic faith are two separate and different entities; there are no explanations or depictions of the culture for the people of true Islamic faith. There are only visual and auditory clips of terrorists and extremists. This paints a hateful and violent picture of the people of Islam.

The true intent of this video is obvious...

Regardless of a war against terror or a terrorist war against the western culture, the purpose of this video is for propaganda and mesmerism purpose only! As the American culture grows farther away from the events on September 11, 2001, the Governmental Control groups such as the CFR and the Bohemian Club propagate material out to the public to keep public interests and popular opinions at a conscious level.

The supposed purpose of this video according to Wayne Kopping (writer, director, and editor) is to remind the public of an alarming terrorist threat. Others such as Dr. Herbert London, are quoted on the cover as saying,
"If you haven't seen it, you should. And if you have seen it, you should insist that others see it as well."

...Even though Inversehalo does NOT support the radical extremists within the Islamic world, we also DO NOT SUPPORT censorship or mind control by any press or any government. The ability to control mass media gives our government the control of the publics mind to rationalize and think. Below is a short video providing an explanation on how governmental groups control mass media....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The American Institution of Mis-Education

What is taught to most of the American population concerning history, is largely erroneous when compared to the truth. Most of what American's learn as general history is narrowed down to only the Revolution and the Civil War. All other historical references about cultures, societies, and world wide events are sparsely talked about, and in some cases left out. Leaving the students of America, without any conception of the reality of events that may or may not have happened. Having a correct and abundant understanding of history from all around the world is essential to viewing our current status and how we got here.

The dilemma with re-educating Americans on history, is finding a credible and unadulterated source. Most of the history text books in America have been blemished with disinformation due to the involvement of the RAND corporation. Amongst groups such as the Rockefeller Trust, the RAND corporation undermines educational information in order to hide details that would further lead to suspicion, conspiracies, and ultimately indictments. The level of disinformation fed to the public can be at the level of covering up murders and hiding criminal acts; or may be as inane as denying that certain military locations exist as well as the incredible weapons systems that are being used there (AREA 51). Regardless of what kind of disinformation is fed to the public, the truth remains unreachable due to the simple task of never properly educating the masses on general history.

"Without a basic conception of time and events, we can never realize that there are missing pieces to a picture that makes up the journey of mankind through-out the ages..."

Destroying the credibility of historians or great-thinkers in history is also something that has to be taken into account when trying to keep the public stupid and mindless. People, regardless of any precedence, will account events in order to capture a perspective on the moments they lived in. Any man, woman, or child will create biographies of their lives in order to leave behind a "living memory". It is the fundamental mannerism of people to share stories, especially "true" stories. This information, can benefit the public by endorsing a rational status quo, or if cleverly manipulated can destroy the point of view of many future generations. All in all, destroying the credibility of these historians is important if you want to re-educated the population with disinformation.

Another form of manipulating the educational process is leaving out facts that would otherwise, contribute to a larger understanding of a situation. Such is the case when noting that the financial bank that funded Adolph Hitler WWII is also the same bank that funded Britain, and America to fight against the Nazi army. Not many people are familiar with that small factoid, but knowing this gives you a different perspective of why WWII really occurred. Leaving out this small but vital piece of information changes the ability of the public to recognize, that all is not as it seems.

In recent times American's have found that they are constantly being lied to and manipulated. Former President Bill Clinton's affirmation to the public about not engaging in elicit practices with his secretary was found to later be, a lie. The details behind the tragedy of September 11, 2001, are also in great speculation. Weather or not Islamic terrorists or even our own government was responsible for the deaths of U.S. citizens is a question still not properly and undeniably answered. Regardless of what anyone believes about the situation, we don't have any details to assume the truth. Details are essential to any story, if you want the reader to understand the story...

We must call upon ourselves to have "self-education". An education where we have learned what has been the truth and recognized what is lies. We should not depend upon others to inform us of what has been deemed public opinion, and we shouldn't take in truth anything that is still a theory. No one enjoys being lied to, no one enjoys being deceived. It's a part of our human instinct to want to trust and feel safe. When others try to mislead us by disinformation or bad education, then we loose footing on our sense of humanity and positive self-realization.

-Aramal Malik

Monday, September 1, 2008

Our new Pamphlets...

As part of our current project "Project Pythos", we have created a pamphlet version of our web page, "Pregnancy care and Abortion alternatives"...

This beautifully decorated pamphlet, entitled "Pregnancy information and Woman's health guide", features most to all of the necessary women's health clinics and financial information for mothers-to-be in Jacksonville, Florida.

These pamphlets can be picked up at various locations in Jacksonville, including Jax Beach and Ponte Vedra. For those interested in displaying or providing these pamphlets in businesses or other locations, please email INVERSEHALO at

Monday, August 25, 2008

Secret Societies beware!

"...Now one should have no quarrel with men who decide to unite themselves fraternally in a good philanthropic cause, as was probably the original intention of many who joined 'the Lodge', but when these secret orders overstep their bounds and become a threat to our constitutional freedoms, then it is time that they (the secret societies) be exposed and brought before the security of the public conscience. Not only for the sake of the public, but also for the sake of all those who are deliberately being deceived and used as pawns for purposes which they for the most part would object to if only they were aware of them..."

-Cosmic Patriot Files

The Truth is a vital part of human existence, without it we are lost...
If someone stands against the Truth, then cosmically, they are in violation of the entire universe.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Inversehalo presents....!

We've created a sub-group, for volunteers, who want the opportunity to help others in Jax,Fl.
The River City Outreach Volunteer unit, or R.C.O.V.
This group is it's own operating entity and is free to anyone who would like to
-help the homeless
-care for the sick and elderly
-clean up the environment

anyone wishing to apply for volunteer work, should check out this site:

Friday, August 15, 2008

Our preliminary Posters for Pro-Life

Locations: The Abortion clinic on University & The Barnes & Nobles in Mandarin...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It is a necessity in our particular field of research to make mention of persons who use disinformation to fuel public opinion. They are men and women who mix a little fact with a little lie. Primarily in order to create a celebrity status for themselves or in the worst case create disillusion, so the truth remains overlooked.

Inversehalo and the Myriad organization have struggled beyond reason to uncover the truth in order to benefit mankind and release us from the clutches of the dark unknown. The fight to free ourselves from tyranny and oppression is successfully fought with correct information. Without it this war will go nowhere...

And all of us remain enslaved...

It is understood that not everything known to us is always the completeness of an absolute truth. Which is why we only publish what is provable fact, that any reader can find on their own and research. We do not publish or teach speculation yet consider that friendly discussion does sometimes lead to provable "theories". But, as always those discussions are kept between members and their results are only published after they are found "undeniable".

Inversehalo, has always believed in looking at a conspiracy theory. Because we understand that people will seek their objects of desire, and people with money, power, and resources will conspire together for their own agendas. Unfortunately their agendas don't include the need to benefit humanity.

The destitution of our society is realized when we understand the depths of lies created to impose control over us all. By uncovering deceit and taking possession of ourselves we can truly become free as a civilization.

Our new web page, "Know Thy Enemy", list individuals whom we see as being propagators of lies and deceit. And even though this page may post comments given in opinion, Everyone and Anyone is allowed to research these individuals themselves and come up with their own conclusion...
But as for INVERSEHALO, we see these people as a threat to progress and truth!

-Aramal Malik
-Mike Green

Saturday, August 9, 2008


To properly answer someone special I met today:

Our future is determined by the values we hold in our lives right now -- and can change from day to day. Yet, the idea of what's to come is only relative to those who speculate upon it. To some the future does not exist because they choose to live in the moment. Others feel the future is a potential for happiness because they have optimism about whats going on in their environment. Some people have a great fear of the future, believing that it is filled with cruelty and death. But, it is in living with fear right now, that we become victims to a violent future. All points of view on what is to come for humanity, can change from person to person.

So what is the Absolute Truth of the future? What will it be like for humanity?

The answer is always in the question....

The future belongs to the Absolute Truth. That their is a Will to survive, existing within all of us.

Although, we may leave this life someday, it is in living that we have given life to others. That the future may be determined by how we live our lives, but a future is ensured because we have given life. And as long as humanity has given life, then, their is always the opportunity to have a good future. This is the opportunity of HOPE.

Pope John Paul II once said, "...A nation that kills it's children is a nation without future..."

Some of us may have the ability to gaze into a future, to see bad things before they happen...
but, by saving life all of us still have the option to make it something good.

You can always have hope, when you still have opportunity.

-Aramal Malik

Friday, August 1, 2008

More Pregnancy Help...

We are expanding a vital portion of "Project Pythos" in order to help pregnant women and their future children....
to make a donation please contact :

Monday, July 28, 2008

the New "Inversehalo Project Page" !

In order to stay organized with our projects we created a brand new web page that lists all our current and past Campaigns/Projects.

This page even has a short insight into where Inversehalo originated and what our first project was in Jacksonville, Fl!

click on the Inversehalo Projects icon to view page...

Friday, July 18, 2008

An Inversehalo teaching, lesson 3

"[the Catholic scholar] must meet his adversaries on grounds which they understand and acknowledge...[he must discuss] each topic on its intrinsic merits -- answering the critic by a severer criticism, the metaphysician by closer reasoning, the historian by deeper learning, the politician by sounder politics and indifference itself by a purer impartiality. In all these subjects...[he] discovers a point pre-eminently Catholic, but also pre-eminently intellectual and true."

-lord Acton, the Munich School of Catholicism.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Symbols and Symbology

Taken from Inversehalo's Symbols and Symbology Part I...

"...In the book Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Manly P. Hall says,
"Symbolism thus embodies most fully the requisites of the perfect medium of education. Every symbol is a definite stimulus to the mind, and has the delightful faculty of reflecting the moods of the mind attempting to analyze its parts. In other words, a symbol always means what we think it means."
By interacting with the collective unconscious of our own selves we find that as individuals, we all have the ability to ascertain knowledge from the deep recesses of our mind and soul. By using symbols, we can unlock that part of ourselves, and use that information to communicate and learn.

The psychological value objects have on the human mind, allow any symbol to transcend time, culture, and language. Anyone, anywhere can utilize the information of a sign regardless of pre-formal training on how to read a symbol. Therefore, symbols by value alone, are essential to institutions or societies simply because their knowledge is uniform to an idea and not to cultural verbiage or prejudices. All religious institutions value the usage of symbols to reveal to the participants en-doctrinated ideas as well as inspirational lessons..."

to read more click here

Friday, July 11, 2008

"Your Website is Dark and Scary..."

Over the past few months the Inversehalo organization has received complaints from others in the fields of Pro-life, the Priesthood, and other good people.
Their complaint, is that the Inversehalo website is "Dark, questionable, scary, sinister and UN-Christian...".

On our website anyone can find articles on our activity's which include
fighting abortion
fighting corruption and privatization
fighting an uneducated society

as well as...

our program to bring clothes to the homeless
our constant support of the Artists in St. Augustine

That's just some of the Christian material that we do support. Because our cause in the world is the same as any person who believes in a morally just society.

Inversehalo, invites you the viewers to compare us to some local abortion websites...
planned parenthood always seems happy...

this one almost calls out to the reader to be empowered and have an abortion...

nothing says "I'm killing innocents," better than pink colors and smiles...

Inversehalo, looks different because NO ONE with Inversehalo is lying, we have nothing to hide, and we believe nothing should be hidden.
Personally, we find it "Dark and Scary" that websites that promote killing children have flowers and pastel colors...

Aramal Malik once said to me,
"Don't judge an artist by what he paints, what he sees is truth to him and only him, try to see the Truth from his paintbrush..."

-Erich Weisz,

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

the Project Pythos Declaration Flyer

Last 4th of July weekend, the Inversehalo group distributed our "Declaration of Aggression" against all abortion providers. We targeted such areas as the Nombre De Dios, all Wal-Marts, the Mayport and Beaches areas, as well as anywhere in between.
This flyer is a first approach to our large scale campaign to fight the atrocity of abortion.

for more information please visit our page on Project Pythos at

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Being Prepared...

Being prepared for all the things we must endure in life is essential to our survival. The lessons we have learned up to now, help us conform to an understanding of how life (in part) works. Our experiences have tempered us with skills we apply to every facet of our future. Yet the genius of humanity is not built from experiences, but built from ingenuity. Even though our perception of reality is limited by our senses, our mind has the great gift of imagination and dreams.

We can visualize scenarios and outcomes that our senses cannot help us perceive. It is the gift that allows a painter to paint "true" beauty even though he has never seen it. The gift musicians have to write words and music that inspire all those around them. A gift that helps a child stay alive and have great compassion for others, even though abuse is all that child knows. Our abilities to daydream and imagine help us know more about our place in the unfathomable cosmic reality of the universe. Our faith in a better life, distinguishes our need to survive.

Our future is not dependant on what we have as "credentials", but what we have as hopes and dreams. The future of humanity is our clarity on life, and the value we have for our expectations of happiness and love.

-A. Malik

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Distribution Solutions @

"Distribution Solutions", is an Inversehalo project that is aimed at freely giving the homeless in our area, clothes.

By taking aluminum cans, scrap metals and copper, we exchange them for money to fund this project. If you would like to contribute to this particular project:
- save your coke cans...
- contact us and we'll send someone to pick them
up, and use the proceeds to create shirts!

For more details on our project,"Distribution Solutions" click here.

-Jessica Croix

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A State of Suffering

Looking around ourselves we find the world to be in a state of suffering. Everyone we see has hidden troubles written upon their faces, and even the countries of the world seem to always be in a constant state of anxiety and depression. The world we see everyday when we turn on our televisions or read our newspapers is wanting to scream out for help--for someone to save it--yet it never does, simply because it's afraid that no one is out there to answer. The ways of the world today reflect the notion that salvation from God does not exist.

The main contribution to today's way of life, is the individuals lack of personal appreciation for their involvement and place in the world. No one takes the time today, to see the greater purpose of their day to day routines. Mankind's shortsightedness never allows him to see what he did today, saved or destroyed a life around him. We never really understand that a smile could save a persons life, and never acknowledging someone contributed to their death...

Thus, the world goes on in it's stress, because people don't see how much they really need each other.

When we start involving ourselves with the welfare of others we will have put God back into our lives and into the world. When we wake up with the idea, "Who's life can I change today?" instead of worrying about what bills to pay, we will have brought hope back to this civilization. Our effort to care about each other must be greater than our effort to satisfy ourselves and what we think are our own personal needs. Because, the needs of humanity involve all of us, but the gratification to ourselves only leads to our loneliness and to our troubles.

We should begin each day in personal reflection to the ideals of charity, benevolence, and happiness. Then go out into the world and try to implement those ideas instead of "personal goals"...

If all the stars in the sky can hold up the heavens, then all of us can hold up mankind.

Monday, June 2, 2008

An Inversehalo teaching, lesson 2

"We hold that no power ever comes to man through the intellect (the intellect being cold, while wisdom is of the heart and founded in love). We say that the adage "knowledge is power" is false; but that goodness alone is power and that that pertains to the heart only; hence that power comes only to the Soul through Love (not lust) but love, the underlying, primal Fire-life subtending the bases of being--the formative flowing floor of the worlds--the true sensing of which is the beginning of the road to personal power. Love lieth at the foundation and is the synonym of life and strength and clingingness."

taken from the True Rosicrucian order
"The Rosicrucians and their teachings" - pg. 83

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A report of INJUSTICE - from "ART IN THE MARKET"

This was how AMERICAN'S get treated for memorial day...

The real crime are those pale skinny legs

"It is well settled that a speaker's rights are not lost merely because compensation is received; a speaker is no less a speaker because he or she is paid to speak." Riley v. Nat'l Fed'n of Blind of North Carolina, 487 U.S. 781, 801 (1988).

"As a demonstration of First Amendment Rights, artist Suvo "offered for sale" (one dollar) 8"x 12" American flags in the Plaza on Saturday. The only flags purchased was by a naturalized citizen from Poland. Shortly thereafter Suvo was handcuffed and jailed. God Bless America ! Are you shocked? Complacency and apathy seems to rule here in America these days If you are not concerned that citizens American rights are being eroded, then you are not paying attention.
Does our small remaining group of artists have the resources to continue our protests? No! Sure, we hear everyone tell us how wrong this is. Frankly, we are uninterested in hearing this. We've heard it enough. Most will wait until their rights are violated on their front doorsteps.

by Karl."

for more information please visit

Sunday, May 25, 2008

An Inversehalo teaching, lesson 1

Our objects and aims are...

"Anything that has for its object the advancement of human happiness or human intellect; anything that tends to the melioration of the condition of mankind, or to lessen the ills and miseries incident to human life; anything that draws closer the ties of human sympathy, and strengthens the bonds of brotherhood between man and man, is not only worthy of approbation, but of the warmest support and admiration..."


taken from the order of the Knights of Pythias, pg. 60

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The deception of landmarks

The city of St. Augustine, FL, has a problem with privatization and globalism. Yet, this idea they so blindly put their confidence into, is seemingly, disastrous for them...

Amongst the occult edifices scattered throughout the city, lays a predisposed and formatted walking plan. Utilized by the city's elite for their own private usage. Following this layout is rather simple if you know what your looking for. The symbols hidden inside the buildings and landmarks reveal a personal form of "information". Information to transit certain locations as well as find refuge in pre-disposed safe houses.

In older days the location of a safe house was acknowledged by initiates in the form of what they called witch signs. A building was marked with a symbol or letter that seemed to the unknowing to be just a decoration...

These locations are all throughout the city of St. Augustine. If you want to find them all you have to do is look. Anyone who would like a map of this route please feel free to contact us...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And now for something completely different...

INVERSEHALO, is planning a major event aimed at improving the awareness of abortion as well as finalizing an outcome with abortion in the city of Jacksonville, fl. More details are to follow...

Volunteers are welcome, and encouraged. Please, send an email to any of the following address':

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Finally, we have finished our website and now INVERSEHALO.COM is now online! The site features many of our ongoing projects complete with descriptions, online forums, a newsletter, information, philosophy, videos, etc.,etc.,etc.

Plus one of the most amazing things about Inversehalo's new website, is that it contains the links to blogs for some of our head members. Each member has a specific topic of discussion and brevity. Aramal Malik, Jessica Croix, Micheal Green, and Erich Weisz lead these blog-sites that teach family morals, Occult truths, secret societies, and motivation so that everyone can learn to combat the New World Order.

Reverse the System

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Inversehalo is currently working on a brand new larger web-site.
This will allow others to view new and current Inversehalo work and projects.
As well as an interactive chat-room that will allow participants to work with
inversehalo in real-time.
Also, a vast educational system will be attached to the site, providing anyone and everyone with up-to-date, current, and reliable knowledge and info.

Inversehalo will also provide a newsletter to members who sign up thru the web-site.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

NOT Everyone can be...

Not every person can be an adept in anything; this capacity being born in man as in genius. Neither is it possible for every man to become an INVERSEHALO any more than education can impart sense to the idiot or that a child born blind can be a master painter merely by learning the terms used to designate the philosophy of light and shade and the blending of colors. To become an Adept, an INVERSEHALO, a Master, an Initiate, there must be an innate feeling of rapture at the bare idea of the Mystery involved, and hunger for the unknown, and a conscious and abiding belief in one's possibility to attain Immortality.
Those who possess this inward consciousness and desire may become initiated with profit to themselves and mankind, for within INVERSEHALO all eat and are filled and drink to thirst no more.
Neither stoic, agnostic, atheist, nor egotist can become an INVERSEHALO. It requires feeling, and that intensified. Without this and a love for the welfare of humanity, initiation could not possible be achieved; nor could the Baptism of truth take place, to give birth to the new or dormant energies and awaken the Soul germ to a higher and better state of being, where Will reigns over all matter, so that the transmutation may become complete.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Society's Poison

The general sense of any morality around us is completely lacking. If any of us believe in an apocalyptic end, I believe the unmoral nature of mankind will be the cause of it. The world around us is senseless and ignorant. Yet, it is not the people around us we should blame. More or less, it is the ones that we call politicians, radio-personalities, and news-reporters that we should know to blame. They are the modern ages "sooth-sayer", armed with sarcastic wit for teeth and filled with incompassionate logic for venom.

The voices of our torturous demons in society are the voices of our Rush Limbaugh's, our Sean Hannity's, our Neil Boortz's and our Dr. Phil's. All of these people are believed to be the hand of helping wisdom to our society. Yet, all they represent are the same deceivers that sentenced Christ to His death. Nothing good comes from them, their words keep us all separated under the illusion that our very own opinions are the things that divide us. But, their nature is the nature of sinister illusionists who attract our attention with rhetoric and magic, all the while stealing our integrity from our pockets.

Our politicians, radio-personalities, our news-reporters, our great so called philosophers of America...


Believe in your heart's, because there the greatness of any truth is written with the greatness of our love for each other.
Mourn the deceiver's and the Voltaire's, for they cannot love anything greater than themselves.

-Aramal Malik

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bohemians in the Ancient City...

Bohemian Grove, is a meeting place for the elect and select few that believe in a one world government. Located deep in the woods of San Fransisco, the "bohemians" gather at an annual festival underneath a gigantic owl. The owl is a representation of the Canaanite god, Molech. Needless to say, anything you look up on this horrid subject is sick, satanic, and senseless.

Here in St. Augustine, Florida, their is speculation that the perverted hand of the bohemian grove elect is somehow present. Among all the evidence that INVERSEHALO has amassed over the last couple of years on occultism in the Ancient city, the newest evidence has to do with the Casa Monica hotel.

The Casa Monica, is owned and operated by the Kessler Enterprise, Inc. Which is run by the wealthy hotel chain owner, Richard Kessler. His unusual collection of hotels throughout the U.S. include...

-Doubletree Castle in Orlando, FL
-Celebration Hotel in Celebration, FL
-GRAND BOHEMIAN Hotel-Orlando in Orlando, FL
-Beaver Creek Lodge and Condominiums in Beaver Creek, CO
-Mansion on Forsyth Park in Savannah, GA
(which houses a grand bohemian gallery of 400 rare works of art)
-El Monte Sagrado in Taos, NM
-Sundy House in Delray Beach, FL
-COLUMBIA Place Residences in Savannah, GA
-GRAND BOHEMIAN Hotel and Residences in St. Petersburg, FL
-Casa Monica Hotel in St. Augustine, FL

The problem, as always, with the new world order, is that they choose to be in plain sight. Partly due to the fact that things seem to be going their way. No fear, no guilt, just pride and ignorance for everyone whose not in their tax braket.

The Casa Monica Hotel, (which the Illuminate, Henry Flagler helped build) is another example of the many attributes of the occult disposition of art and architecture of the one world government. The city of St. Augustine, is riddled with this form of gnostic and occult art. Just as the city council is over-run with individuals who have been pre-disposed to maintain and protect the hidden yet obvious secrets that St. Augustine has to offer.

-Erich Weisz, inversehalo.

Monday, February 11, 2008

A reminder to the faithful and the elite...

Corinthians ch.10:8-13

"We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did, and were destroyed by serpents. And do not complain as some of them did, and were destroyed by the destroyer. These things happened to them to serve as an example, and they were written down to instruct us, on whom the ends of the ages have come. So if you think you are standing, watch out that you do not fall. No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing He will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it."

Because all of our sins have been warned to us, we should be clear on what is right and what is wrong. Mankind has been warned throughout the ages of the price of giving in to immorality. The Roman satirical poet, Juvenal, denounced corruption in society and government. One of his more famous quotes is,

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" or "Who will watch the watchers?"

The answer in our corrupt and immoral modern society to Juvenal's question is simply,


-Aramal Malik

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Memorial for ABORTED children


By - Mike Green

On February the 9th, people gathered together at the Nombre De Dios cemetery in St. Augustine, Florida, in order to perform a mass burial for children murdered by abortion. Most of the volunteers were teenagers from local churches and schools. The only people that did not attend, were the ones who couldn't be there because they were aborted by nefarious and greedy doctors.

On a slow day, America alone will abort more than 4,000 unborn children. Their remains are thrown away as bio-hazardous waste or kept for stem cell eugenics. The volunteers today drove more than 4,000 crosses into the ground in order to acknowledge these dead children who's fate has gone widely ignored.

A number of adults spoke against a backdrop of Hymnals, while teenagers blistered their hands with hammering down cross-like tombstones. There were chastity rosaries handed out with prayer cards and bottled water supplied for the tireless workers. All of this done with the hope that this generation will continue the fight until the act of abortion is erased from our society.

Dr. Alveda King, who is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, was the highlight speaker of the day. The authority her presence holds with the African-American community is invaluable in the war against abortion. Her work helps chisel away at the demi-god idol that John Rockefeller and Margaret Sanger built that we know as Planned Parenthood.

Although, even with the support of everyone who participated Saturday at the Nombre De Dios, I couldn't help but notice how the pro-life community has become jaded and tired of their noble issue. This, in itself is very disheartening. My acknowledgment of this, was partially due to the fact that more people from the Jacksonville area were just simply, absent. My other personal observation occurred later that night at the candle light vigil. Of the many volunteers it took to erect 4,000 crosses all in the name of honor, only 8 individuals returned to attend the vigil. We can't feel jaded and tired about knowing that 4,000 beautiful children won't be here to hold and love because they were aborted. Once again thinking that some in the pro-life community might feel this way was simply, disheartening.

The pro-choice(or pro-child killer) side of the issue seems devout, loud, passionate, and unwilling to stop until they reach their sadistic occult goals. Even though a person is devout, loud or passionate on this issue, it can easily be confused for the truth of really being obsessed, boisterous, and arrogant. But if the pro-life community never attends to the fight, then their absence makes their opponent appear glorious and morally adept. Seeing that would be terrifyingly unsettling.
All we have to do win is simply show up to the fight!

See you at the next battle - Mike Green

Friday, February 1, 2008

Cemetery of the Innocents

On Saturday Feb 9th at 9am, the Diocese of St. Augustine will be putting down 4,000 crosses in memory of the unborn/aborted babies. INVERSEHALO, will also be passing out information on the evils of abortion. This will include the I-N.W.O. papers on Rockefeller's planned parenthood as well as the occult roots of abortion.

That evening around 7pm there will be an Interfaith candlelight service. INVERSEHALO, will also be present for that event.
In between that time INVERSEHALO, will be posting propaganda in St. Augustine city.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rabbinical Philosophy

In the fashion of becoming completely persistent with the idea of constantly bombarding you with philosophical rhetoric, I felt the need to share one of my favorite philosophical tools. The endless Jewish wisdom from the Pirke Avot (pronounced peer-kay ah-vote).

As a brief summary on the Pirke Avot, it is a book on the collection of rabbinical sayings dating from very early Hebrew history to about 250c.e.. It is an ethical teaching tool for the Jews and delivers one of the best insights to rightful morality and virtue.

Here are some of it's sayings:

"...Be cautious in judgement
What passes for Truth
is often only hallowed opinion."

"Raise up many students.
Help them see Reality for themselves;
remove dependency-
there is no hierarchy in true learning..."

Joshua ben perachya says:
"Find a teacher to challenge your answers. Acquire a friend, to challenge your questions. Allow everyone the room to doubt: the ability to challenge opinions--even your own."

Judah ben Tabbai says:
"If called upon to judge, do not take sides. To avoid bias, regard all parties as guilty. When judgment is accepted, regard all parties as innocent. Do not cling to judgments nor imagine that the good cannot err or the wicked correct their ways. All life is change, all feeling is in flux. Look to what is now and act accordingly."

And finally Shemaya says:
"Love work.
Constructive labor
is vital to balanced living.
Hate authority. Reality alone is true.
No matter how famous the mouth, check the words against experience.
Do not become intimate with power.
There is nothing we can control
beyond our own doing.
Relinquish power, embrace Reality,
and do what must be done."

Thursday, January 24, 2008

JANUARY 22, 2008 (roe vs. wade war in JACKSONVILLE, FL)

On Tuesday the 22nd of January, both pro-life and pro-choice people gathered in front of Jacksonville's downtown courthouse. Some came to support the idiocy of their own selfish demise and some came to be the presence of children who were aborted. But unknown to both the pros and the cons is that INVERSEHALO agents were also present.

We carefully assessed the situation, and were very proud to see so many pro-life supporters. The ironic part is that the number of pro-life people was quadruple the size of the pro-choice people. This was primarily because the Christian pro-life people BROUGHT THEIR CHILDREN!

We can already see the direct result of aborting children...

But the real reason that INVERSEHALO was there; was to target a particular pro-choice member. The target is a seemingly bald man whose agenda is to be a muse amongst women who were to overweight to think or correctly speak for themselves. This man's name is Alain Raymond.

INVERSEHALO is currently collecting personal information about this nefarious "bald" character to supply to the Christian pro-life supporters. That way, the next time this hairless muse wants to molest the people and children with his stuttering, empty, and useless voice...
Truth will become his victorious opponent.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


...these disturbing pictures were taken after the atomic explosions of the bombs America unleashed on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

It's really sad to think that these children had absolutely no idea that someone hated them enough to do this to them...

I wonder if American children have any idea of the same thing?