Monday, December 3, 2007

Who is the INVERSE action...

Inversehalo, exist as an enemy to all the things that we know are wrong. From the corruption of government out to the starving masses, the goal has always been to eliminate not just one thing, but all things. Because the war we all fight, we fight not against governments or issues, but against the ideal of all the evil in our world.

The villainous powers that be, want mankind to be separated on every issue. Which causes us all, to make no progress in solving the big problem. As a rule of breaking up coalitions, if you make the main dilemma into smaller individual problems, the people will war with each other instead of fighting together as a whole.

With all the points of difference in the world, this is why we gain no footing in progress....

Inversehalo, is set up to be the means to an end. To take all points of view and to unite them into one systematic and achievable goal. No one man can tackle all the problems of the world...
but together, mankind, can change the impossible, and see victory in the destruction of the one monster that is killing us all.

If you believe in something that is right, and you feel compassionate about saving all that we know is true, look around you to find more of yourself in the people that you know. Then know, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE IF YOU CAN SEE YOURSELF IN EVERYONE.

Inversehalo, is in everyone that believes this world has gone wrong. It is in the oppressed, inside the victimized, the poor, the overtaxed, the censored, inside everyone who needs to rebel against tyranny.

It's time everyone from every walk of life, let the corrupt know that they are always surrounded, because you are everywhere.

-Aramal Malik

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