Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A definitive analysis of the Starbucks logo

As an example of INVERSEHALO's studious efforts to define the truth about corruption and evil, we have compiled the following past analysis...


- "The twin-tailed siren(a fine example of which may be seen on a capital in the apse of San Cugat monastery) can be explained psychologically as a simple amalgamation: the two legs of woman applied to the single tail of the fish giving the twin-tail of the woman-fish; but it may also be interpreted symbolically by reference to the profound significance of the Gemini. It seems to us the the twin tail is an infernal replica of the classical attitude of adoration in which both arms are raised-an attitude characteristic, for example, of the Cretan statuettes of priestesses. Given that the sea is the lower abyss and an image of the unconscious, then the twin fish-tail, pertaining to the sea, must express a duality (or conflict) within the watery deeps. Wirth maintains that the siren is quite simply a symbol of woman, and that woman is a true incarnation of the spirit of the earth, as opposed to the man, who is the son of heaven. He expresses his concept of transmigration as follows: 'Life entices the souls of those deprived of it. Why does the other world not retain once and for all those spiritual entities that aspire towards reincarnation? The daughters of men ensnare the sons of heaven with their beauty, dragging them irresistibly down. The spell thus cast is attributed to the siren whose song so captivates the listener that he falls into the ocean' (of the lower waters and of nascent forms) 'teeming with multitudinous life. The temptress owes her powers to the changing forms governed by the moon, the crescent of which shines upon her forehead.'

This definition on the sirens symbolism is also mirrored in an older text, The Bible...

Genesis ch. 6

- "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of which they chose..."

This chapter of Genesis describes how the fallen angels of heaven took upon themselves wives and created the half-man, half-beast, NEPHILIM. It is here that we find the Lord God's distaste for the abominations of men and fallen angels, and floods the planet, condemning all the Nephilim and the wicked down to the abyss of the oceans. Strange, that the symbolism in the Starbucks logo tells us that exact detail of information, but through the eyes of cynicism and jealousy.

The idea of the siren, mermaid, or Melusine (a similar siren character)depicts to us an irrationally placed symbol for a coffee shop. The purpose of the sirens image tells us, if we are students of the Symbolic, that the general system that Starbucks really honors is one of past regrets and past inequities. It should dishonor our society, that such an image was placed in front of us, to call out to us and make us yearn for that coffee shop philosophy. A philosophy, that Starbucks produces, which is a disgrace to the endeavors of our ancient philosophic brothers.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Skull and Bones Members factoid

Name ,Occupation ,Birth ,Death Known for
Victor Ashe
1-Jan-1945 US Ambassador to Poland
Roy L. Austin
13-Dec-1939 US Ambassador to Trinidad
David L. Boren
21-Apr-1941 Governor and Senator from Oklahoma
Christopher Buckley
1952 Thank You for Smoking
James L. Buckley
9-Mar-1923 US Senator from New York, 1971-77
William F. Buckley
24-Nov-1925 National Review
William Bundy
24-Sep-1917 6-Oct-2000 Cold War advisor to JFK, LBJ
George H.W. Bush
Head of State
12-Jun-1924 41st US President, 1989-93
George W. Bush
Head of State
6-Jul-1946 43rd US President
Jonathan J. Bush
1931 Brother of George H.W. Bush
Prescott Bush
15-May-1895 8-Oct-1972 US Senator from Connecticut, 1952-63
Henry Sloane Coffin
5-Jan-1877 25-Nov-1954 Meaning of the Cross
William Sloane Coffin
1-Jun-1924 12-Apr-2006 Civilly disobedient chaplain
Chauncey Depew
23-Apr-1834 5-Apr-1928 Co-Founder of the Pilgrims Society
Bill Donaldson
2-Jun-1931 SEC Chairman, 2003-05
Irving Fisher
27-Feb-1867 29-Apr-1947 The Theory of Interest
Evan Griffith Galbraith
2-Jul-1928 US Ambassador to France, 1981-85
W. Averell Harriman
15-Nov-1891 26-Jul-1986 Ambassador to USSR, Governor of NY
John Heinz
23-Oct-1938 4-Apr-1991 US Senator from Pennsylvania, 1977-91
Robert Kagan
26-Sep-1958 Influential neocon, cofounded PNAC
John Kerry
11-Dec-1943 US Senator from Massachusetts
Eddie Lampert
19-Jul-1962 Billionaire, Chairman of Sears
Winston Lord
17-Aug-1937 President, Council on Foreign Relations, 1977-85
Henry R. Luce
3-Apr-1898 28-Feb-1967 Founded Time Magazine
Archibald Macleish
7-May-1892 20-Apr-1982 Conquistador
F. O. Matthiessen
19-Feb-1902 1-Apr-1950 American Renaissance
Robert D. McCallum, Jr.
1946 US Ambassador to Australia
Dana Milbank
27-Apr-1968 Washington Post White House reporter
Donald Grant Mitchell
12-Apr-1822 15-Dec-1908 Reveries of a Bachelor
John Negroponte
21-Jul-1939 US Deputy Secretary of State
Stephen A. Schwarzman
14-Feb-1947 Co-Founder, Blackstone Group
Frederick W. Smith
11-Aug-1944 Founder and CEO of Federal Express
Potter Stewart
23-Jan-1915 7-Dec-1985 US Supreme Court Justice
Henry L. Stimson
21-Sep-1867 20-Oct-1950 US Secretary of War 1911-13, 1940-45
Alphonso Taft
5-Nov-1810 21-May-1891 Attorney General under Grant
William Howard Taft
Head of State
15-Sep-1857 8-Mar-1930 27th US President, 1909-13
Strobe Talbott
25-Apr-1946 Time journalist, Deputy Secy. of State
Morrison Waite
29-Nov-1816 23-Mar-1888 US Supreme Court Chief Justice, 1874-88
George Herbert Walker III
c. 1931 US Ambassador to Hungary
James Whitmore
1-Oct-1921 Tora! Tora! Tora!
William C. Whitney
5-Jul-1841 2-Feb-1904 US Secretary of the Navy 1885-89

this information was found on www.nndb.com

George Bush Sr. is the man to the left of the clock.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Human Necessity

Finding out that humanity today is driven by necessity...
...is absolutely no surprise.
If you look around you in your day to day life, the people that surround you are consumed by a constant demand to supply themselves with what is deemed,
the necessities of life.

Toilet paper, clothes, food, water, etc...

Our struggle everyday just to keep the creature comforts in our personal world, is a struggle to say the least. The fashion by which we see the products that we buy is based off of the ideals of what really defines us as an individual.
"Coke tastes better than Pepsi."
"Blue shirts bring out the color of my eyes."
"White wine goes better with turkey."
Ideals that begin with how we truly view our personal selves.

But what if all the creature comforts and so called human necessity was taken away?
Who would you say you are, if nothing that defines you, existed?

I suppose that "humanity" would go back to relying on honest truths. Such as, the necessity for love, the necessity for companionship, the necessity for happiness in emotions, and the necessity to believe in a higher ideal. Our world we live in would lack the superficial, and go back to the essential of our existence...


We should never rob ourselves or anyone of the basis of human existence.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Starbucks serves up a hot cup of evil...

1. Despite how much a "cup of joe" at Starbucks really costs, the farmer who worked hard in the field picking coffee beans, still gets paid next to nothing in wages.

2. Starbucks doesn't allow human rights monitors to verify claims that workers in
third world countries are working under poor conditions.

3. Starbucks has stated that one of it's goals is to put any or all competition out
of business.

4. Apathy for Religion and GOD(or atheism), is accepted by Starbucks and their

A certain un-intelligent Starbucks cup reads...

"Why in moments of crisis do we ask God
for strength and help? As cognitive beings,
why would we ask something that may well be
a figment of our imaginations for guidance?
Why not search inside ourselves for the power
to overcome?
After all, we are strong enough to cause most
of the catastrophes we need to endure."

Bill Schell, a Starbucks customer from London, Ontario.
He describes himself as a "modern day nobody."

5. In history the Starbucks logo used to also be known as the pagan god "Dagon".

As our responsibility to contributing to the end of corruption, INVERSEHALO, is going to bring down the hammer upon bad coffee, ignorant employees, and devil worshipping based logos and any coffee shops associated with devil based logos...

I can only think of one coffee corporation, STARBUCKS.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


YES, if you have seen her, we were the ones who place her on your streets...

As one of the multiple objectives, INVERSEHALO, has placed the stenciled posters of baby "ABBY", in order to raise awareness on the evils of abortion.

For those of you who took the posters down...
thank you for making yourselves known as supporters of raping children.

You "pro-choice" advocates will get what you deserve.

As for everyone else who enjoyed our baby "Abby"...
there is more to come...

Monday, October 8, 2007


The human ability to rationalize the idea of "freedom" begins and ends with the level of happiness that we see as being satisfactory. What is defined to us as being free is really a matter of personal opinion. What one man might see as freedom another man might see as being "disillutioned". The ultimate truth to the ideal of being free is as primordial as being truly happy...

A child in a playground, at least in his/her mind, is free and happy. The moment two lovers spend together without the constrains of time, are free and happy. The artist who focuses on the beauty of his painting and nothing else, is truly in his place.
These ideals are different yet everyone of them are a status of being, "free".

When we forget to live peacefully and when we begin to believe that we as individuals are all that really matters, then we are starting down the road to slavery. We can be enslaved by someone else as well as enslaved by our own selves. In today's world it's hard to remember about everyone's personal opinions. Yet it's never to hard to remember our egos personal agenda. When we begin to live for others and stop living for ourselves we then are truly...free.

A. Malik