Friday, September 11, 2009

People United to Stop Homelessness(P.U.S.H.) & Inversehalo & R.C.O.V.

On Tuesday the 8th, Ms. Croix and myself attended a city council meeting in St. Augustine beach. Certain individuals including an angry R.C.O.V. member and members from P.U.S.H. were there discussing how to properly take care of the homeless people in the St. John's county area. Overall, they spoke about how improper censuses were done by the city and UNF; that only reported half of the total population of homeless in the county. According to Ms. Lawrence, the total count of men, vets, women, and CHILDREN was somewhere around 1600.

That's amazing to me.

I personally solicited Inversehalo's assistance to help with the task of compiling a complete and accurate count of people in the St. John's county area (we can accomplish this while handing out R.C.O.V. packs). Also, we were told of two different accounts in the Hastings area where homeless people were being used as slaves and being transported from a farm here to a farm in North Carolina.....

Previous Inversehalo members should find this familiar, this was something to do with our Human Trafficking project....

If anyone would like to help with the census in St. John's county there will be a training class done by P.U.S.H.
If anyone would like to help with the slave farms please contact Mr. Malik or Ms. Croix.

Aramal Malik

Below is the Video Presentation that was presented for P.U.S.H.

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