Monday, December 21, 2009

He was hit by a car?!

Terrence Joseph Kelly is his name. He also went by T.J. and Officer Kelly. On Thursday night he was hit by a car as he was crossing the road in front of the Winn-Dixie where he lives.

He is an Irish man, and a former Vietnam vet who was drafted at a very young age. Once he got back from the war he attempted a job as a cop for a time. However, he was very sick from what had happened in the war and ended up homeless in his thirties; he's been living in the woods ever since. He told me he felt more comfortable that way.

December 15 was his birthday, he just turned 59 years old, though he looks a lot older. He has a bunch of scars, especially on his bald, heavy bearded head. When i first met him he was being bandaged up at his camp because he had passed out while standing and his smacked his skull. Luckily, he is too hard headed for it to do any real damage and too tough to complain..... lol

About a week or so ago he had fallen in a similar incident and hurt his hip pretty badly. Again, he never complained, and he still limped himself through the woods the long distance it took to get to the little store where he bought cigarettes, food, and beer. The last time i saw him he was settling in to watch his friends play spades.

I don't know why he had gotten out into the street that night, it was in the exact opposite direction from where he lived. From what i've heard he was hit by a van going about 70 down that road. He was rushed to Shands, though i don't know how long he was lying there before they got him, the driver was arrested and driving drunk over three times the legal limit. The driver is being held with no bond, and the sentence will be given once the status of T.J.s' well being is established. T.J. has multiple fractures, a crushed leg, a broken skull, and a pelvis that is currently split upwards, exposing organs susceptible to infections.

He is more than likely going to die, though there is still a small chance he will pull through. His nurse told me to tell the guys at the camp that they can go ahead and distribute his stuff, he maybe has a couple of weeks before the infection eats him alive.

If there was a place for him to go, this would not have happened. He couldn't go the the St Francis House, the Hospital, or the Vets, or the Mental Health place, or anywhere else. He lived in the only place where he received everything he needed to survive and was still treated like a respectable human being. The bunch of us have an opportunity to do something, we Have to take it before more people die

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Poem of Survival by James Youngs

We are uprooted from our place of slumber
And we live from day to day
Just using what we have
But we survive

No food or money of our own
No place to call a home
We have only our friends
But we survive

Times are hard and cruel
People look away as they pass
Many only guess why we are here
But we survive

We survive against it all
Because we all know
That tomorrow will come
And that is why we survive

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No Room at the Inn: The Truth abouth the St. Francis House by Angel

You’d think after a couple decades of dealing with homelessness in St. Johns County, the St. Francis House, the only shelter in the whole county, would have it down. You’d be wrong.

You hit town, dirty, tired, friendless and hungry and get sent to St. Francis House for help. It’s the only game in town with 20 beds for men and 8 beds for women. OK, what do you have to do to get some food, shelter, clean clothes and sleep?

Seems first (or last) thing you do is lose your dignity. There are times and rules for everything you could possibly need. You have to sign in by 6PM for a bed that night, every night, and you have to show up by 9PM to be allowed in. So, from 6PM to 9PM, you’re pretty much stuck hanging close to the shelter, no matter the weather, to get that bed and shower.

You can do your laundry. If you “live” there, your hours are from 6PM to 9 or 10PM. If you don’t, your hours are 130PM to 5 or 6PM. So if you’re lucky enough to be working or need to be out looking for work, you’re out of luck in the afternoons. There are two washers and one dryer so the scheduling of your day just got more complicated.

If you “live” there, there are two showers for men, who sleep upstairs. Women sleep downstairs with their own facility. If you don’t, you can sign up for a shower outside from 130 to about 5-6PM.

Breakfast is served everyday around 430AM, depending on the cook. With donations from churches and agencies drying up, the cook tries to make a hot meal but it’s often donuts, juice and coffee. Some cooks allow non residents to eat; others restrict food to the sheltered people. You have to be out by 6AM anyway. Same thing with lunch, which, depending on the cook, could be as good as spaghetti and meatballs or as simple as a sandwich, or rice and beans. Dinner is seven nights a week but if it’s known there is a serving somewhere else in town, some cooks will not even bother.

Wednesday is ID day where, if you “live” there, a social worker will drive you to the county offices and help you acquire a state ID, IF you have a birth certificate and proof of residence. These things take time and in the meantime, there are numerous chores you do at St. Francis House, like the dishes, cleaning up after meal times, patrolling the block for trash or taking out the garbage.

Early in 2009, residents noticed donations coming to St. Francis House were being taken home by employees, the stuff often being loaded into employee cars by St. Francis House residents themselves. A van full of practically new clothes showed up one day but never seemed to get distributed. Now that it’s getting cold, it falls on the night manager to call a “cold night”, where a call out goes out for extra mats on the floor of St. Francis House and some churches open their doors to shelter the extra homeless for the night. Again in early 2009, one pastor drove into town to open up on a particularly bitter night only to be “called off” by the night manager at St. Francis House. He along with everyone else who lives here, knew there were people outside that night and that tiny St. Francis House could not possibly shelter everyone but they made that call. So he went home.

There are lots of rules and they are for the safety of everyone. Police get called for fights and evictions. Before the current director, there were lots of drugs. So far this year, at least 25 to 30 people have been kicked out, often for alcohol on their breath, but sometimes this seems hit or miss, depending on the night manager on duty.

But the main thing is the way most of the employees treat the homeless. Being down, tired, scared and dirty is bad enough. To be talked to in an insulting way or treated as less than human adds insult to injury. Most of the homeless have stories to tell of just this kind of treatment. Funny thing is, all the official talk is about money money money and building a bigger and better shelter. What good would that do if a homeless person still gets treated like dirt? Treating people with kindness and respect gets you a lot more than just throwing money at a problem and it really doesn’t cost a dime.

Personal note: (THIS STORY WAS REFUSED BY THE FOLIO WEEKLY, because the author of it is a homeless man living in the St. Augustine area)

Friday, October 23, 2009

A thought about Human responsibility

I'm under the impression that the majority of the common people will always have a sense of empathy and compassion for children, especially if they are victims of heinous crimes. Yet, with everybodys sense of 'humanity' I begin to wonder weather or not the idea of 'prevention' and 'protection' has really hit the conscious level of the public...

We live in a modern world filled with turmoil and dissolution; and every second of our lives is filled with a story of abuse and victimization. It seems to me that to procure the matter at hand with the world would be through honest actions and preparation. If we truly value our loved ones and the loved ones of other people then our actions must reflect that. Our responsibility towards saving others is a responsibility to our species. Our goal every day should be to save 'a life' and to perpetuate 'life' in general.

Humanity is trapped by the constance of ignorance and self-satisfaction. The result of which can be found in the lack of regard for our children. If you watch most people, they go about their day and when they pass a child on the street, just walking, the thought never crosses their minds about weather that child is safe or not! No one takes in consideration the other human beings around them and weather they are in need of help or comfort. Because of this, the world continues to suffer and the innocent continue to be victimized.

Every second of our lives should be filled with the expectation of looking for others to help or assist. Every piece of our essence should be powerful enough to overcome selfish thoughts. Everyones main concern should be about the value of ALL life instead of their own...

Until mankind learns to see what is the nessessity of life, then life will always be in decline.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Missing child (Orange Park, Florida)

Somer Renee Thompson, age 7, of Orange Park, Florida is missing and assumed kidnapped in Florida. If you have any information about Somer Thompson's disappearance,
please contact Sgt. Dan Hahla of the Clay County Sheriff's office, ph: 1-877-227-6911
or call 1-866-845-TIPS,
or email:
Local residents with information may also call 911, a CCSO non-emergency line at 904-264-6512.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A 're'cycling NEWS article....(get it)

An article from the St. Augustine Record, dated October 31, 2008

"A total of 1,238 homeless people live in St. Johns County. Of that number 251 are children. 210 are veterans. The only shelter, the St. Francis House, provides 28 beds. In August 2008, a group of teens brutally beat three homeless men under the 312 bridge.

A recent city law has made it illegal for homeless people to sleep anywhere at any time out in the open forcing them to camp miles away from employment opportunities. Threats of violence and death are a daily occurrence. The time has come to push these crises out of the darkness and into the forefront of public consideration.

The first St. Augustine "March of the Impoverished" will begin at 5 p.m. Nov. 10 at the visitor information center on Spanish Street. It will end at the Plaza de la Constitucion with a free feast and general festivities. The objective of this event is increased visibility of the hidden problems rampant in St. Augustine and growing nationwide, such as the inequality of wages, severe lack of assistance programs, and socio-political marginaization of impoverished people.

Volunteers from local advocacy group Food Not Bombs are organizing and providing support for the march, in conjunction with People United to Stop Homelessness (PUSH), the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), local churches and faith-based organizations, small businesses, and the community at large.

The keynote speakers of the assembly will be the impoverished citizens themselves, voicing their own concerns for their own circumstances. Anyone in the community who wishes to participate is welcome. Information on making donations or volunteering can be obtained at

Illegal substances, weapons and classism are strictly prohibited.

Children and pets are velcome."

... that should be fun

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How United Way is Telling you to Handle Homeless....Things

If we were lying to ourselves, this is who we would be:

Home > Plans & Initiatives > STOP Panhandling
Stop Panhandling Atlanta
Panhandling is not the answer.

You lose because panhandlers often use your money to support their addictions to alcohol and drugs. They lose by continuing these destructive behaviors rather than seeking help. The more you give your change to panhandlers, the more their lives don’t change.

Food is readily available for those in need, as well as shelter and other support services. Supporting local organizations that provide these services is the best way to help. A donation of $100 can provide one week of transitional housing with intensive professional services for someone in need.

Invest in long-term solutions by giving your financial support and volunteering your time to help local organizations and service providers. To learn more about alternatives to handouts, please call the Ambassador Force of Downtown Atlanta at (404) 215-9600.
Responding to Panhandlers

* Asking for money is illegal anytime in Downtown Atlanta, and after dark throughout the City.
* If you would like to report an illegal panhandler, please call the Ambassador Force of Downtown Atlanta at (404) 215-9600. Of course, if you feel threatened or if the panhandler shows aggressive behavior, immediately call 911 for police assistance.
* If you encounter a panhandler, always walk away with certainty and confidence.
* Make eye contact and acknowledge the person with a nod. Choose to respond politely, and simply say “no” or “sorry”.
* If you want to offer panhandlers something, consider bottled water or food gift certificates rather than money

* * * * * *

This is a perfect example of who we are NOT, and how NOT to see the homeless people around you.

Inversehalo's prime directive to helping those who are homeless is to provide them with hope, friendship, and charity, not to look down on them as failures who are only going to squander any mercy thrown their way. The homeless are not sub-human things who are to be ignored and despised.
When we lose our ability to see ourselves in the meekest of our kind, then we are losing sight of who we really are.

Friday, September 11, 2009

People United to Stop Homelessness(P.U.S.H.) & Inversehalo & R.C.O.V.

On Tuesday the 8th, Ms. Croix and myself attended a city council meeting in St. Augustine beach. Certain individuals including an angry R.C.O.V. member and members from P.U.S.H. were there discussing how to properly take care of the homeless people in the St. John's county area. Overall, they spoke about how improper censuses were done by the city and UNF; that only reported half of the total population of homeless in the county. According to Ms. Lawrence, the total count of men, vets, women, and CHILDREN was somewhere around 1600.

That's amazing to me.

I personally solicited Inversehalo's assistance to help with the task of compiling a complete and accurate count of people in the St. John's county area (we can accomplish this while handing out R.C.O.V. packs). Also, we were told of two different accounts in the Hastings area where homeless people were being used as slaves and being transported from a farm here to a farm in North Carolina.....

Previous Inversehalo members should find this familiar, this was something to do with our Human Trafficking project....

If anyone would like to help with the census in St. John's county there will be a training class done by P.U.S.H.
If anyone would like to help with the slave farms please contact Mr. Malik or Ms. Croix.

Aramal Malik

Below is the Video Presentation that was presented for P.U.S.H.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

INVERSEHALO: R.C.O.V. - Survival Packs

This is a perpetual project found in our R.C.O.V. department; which is specialized as an outreach and advocacy group for the homeless. These bags contain materials necessary for people to 'survive' in our urban areas. Each 1gallon Ziploc bag includes (but is not limited too):

-Hand Sanitizer
-2 different size bandages
-High protein snack foods
-Vitamin supplements
-A bottle of water
-A piece of paper and pencil
-An Inversehalo:R.C.O.V. pamphlet on urban survival

These bags are individually $5.00 to create and are worth every penny. If you would like to donate funds or materials please see our main web page for details.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Forced Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations

This is taken from the Health Freedom USA Website on the topic of the upcoming MANDATORY (?) flu vaccinations starting in October:

"The World Health Organization (WHO) after changing the definition to fit current conditions, declared a "Level 6" pandemic in mid-June, 2009. The CDC and WHO are now predicting that the H1N1 "Swine Flu" will be back this fall in a new and deadly form.

They also say that a new vaccine will be ready for deployment at the very time when the H1N1 Pandemic virus circulates around the globe and are proposing universal (mandatory) vaccination, starting with our most vulnerable: the very young and the very old. At the July 9, 2009 "flu summit," the President stated: "We want to make sure that we are not promoting panic... the most important thing to make sure that state and local officials prepare now to implement a vaccination program in the fall..."

You Could be Jailed for Refusing Swine Flu and Regular Flu Vaccinations

The United States Emergency Medical Powers Acts and Federal legislation, including the Patriot Acts I, II and III, BARDA and others provide for mandatory vaccination or drugging. No exemptions (religious or otherwise) are provided. Those who refuse will be classified as felons at the State level, subject to immediate incarceration and quarantine of indefinite length in jails or other facilities reserved for such "vaccine refusers." In a frightening "Big Lie" propaganda move, those who doubt the effectiveness of unproven, uninsurable vaccines are being called " Vaccine Resisters" and being equated to a new form of "terrorism."

Those who refuse at the Federal level will be subject to immediate incarceration and quarantine of indefinite length, probably in FEMA camps set up across the US.

That means that untested, potentially lethal vaccines and dangerous drugs like Tamiflu could be forced upon people who do not wish them and who would face incarceration or worse if they choose not to accept them. The CDC has said that there would be no exemptions and that there would be "a certain amount of human wastage". Instead, we demand the right to Self-Shield in our own homes!

No Drug Company Liability for Side Effects!

The uninsurable vaccines produced for the bioengineered Swine Flu Pandemic will not have been tested in any meaningful way by the time they are delivered into our bodies and those of our children in the fall of 2009, if the World Health Organization and CDC are to be believed.

Vaccine manufacturers are exempt, thanks to Congress and the FDA, from any legal liability for damage or death from these dangerous, uninsurable drugs.

What You Can Do NOW!!

We must make this demand that the government respect our rights become "viral" through your efforts and result in many hundreds of thousands of messages to decision makers, on the State and Federal levels!

You can fill complete the form below and we will send it to your congressional and state representatives. You can also forward this request to your friends and family.

Thank you for your strong and immediate action as it could save many lives and prevent massive needless pain and suffering.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation"

You can follow the link to the website for Health Freedom USA and sign a petition against this at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Oath of a True Humanitarian

...Lest the world we live in now has forgotten how important the value of human life is today; ancient sages and philosophers struggled to inpart a sense of value towards humanity. One the earliest forbears of True humanitarianism is Hippocrates, who is known a the father of western medicine. Although it is likely that the Philosopher Pythagoras was the originator of what is known as the Hippocratic Oath; it is still used by many doctors in our modern medical fields.

As a reminder to everyone what this Oath says:

"I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:

To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art—if they desire to learn it—without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.

I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.

What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot."

Rules to Inversehalo Apocalypse

...Within the next 24hrs (starting on Aug 4) I will have posted to the main website, the rules to participation of Inversehalo Apocalypse. These rules, are posted in a hidden location on one of the main pages; ....finding them is part of the objective. Once again, all members are enabled to participate (this includes new members and white halo members also). Members who do not wish to participate can do so at their discretion, but they are still members of Inversehalo which means they are still a target in the game.

Remember the goal is to successfully play against the Chief Organizer for the continuance of this organization.... But more importantly, to protect each and every member of Inversehalo from complete and total destruction.

-Aramal Malik

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Discussion on Morals and Ethics - (via. Inversehalo message board)

From Inversehalo member No1partiQlr:

Existence is a hard thing to cope with once you've come to realize how strange and impossible it seems. The fact that we are not only here but waking, conscious beings with the ability to choose and manipulate our path is astonishing enough. Then to realize that, with the brilliance that is life and existence, there is no real explanation for any of this. This is part of horror of uncertainty in wake of eternity. We are finite beings placed in an infinite world 'free' to make our choice free to become.

Choice is the one thing you have near absolute control over. Granted there are many studies that suggest much of our choices are made for us. Group thinking, moral bias birthed from cultural conditioning, social roles, school, media, etc. are all facets that affect our being. These things, in a sense, plug into our being and manipulate our essence. We become what we are partly because of factors that are brought about from the world around us. This is a give in. However, we are capable of transcending all of this and becoming more then what is expected of us. We can choose to go along with the stream; half asleep, half conscious, and barely ourselves, or we can choose more.

Morality and our lives are defined by ourselves. Every action we make defines our essence to ourselves and those around us. Our interpretations are shaped by what we consider normal and acceptable and necessary. I am a thief if i choose to steal, but thievery is mine to justify as much as it is the worlds to justify. One could argue that all thieves are bad of course, but consider a thief who steals to survive, to eat because he has no food to eat and no job will ever pay him. Can one argue that that thief is bad? If you've ever seen, been to, or even read about a third world country you'll have hopefully learn that being a thief in a place like that is justifiable to some extent. You could always argue one point or another but the fact that this argument becomes subjective is proof enough that morality bends and twist. If you look deep enough into this fact you'll find that most people have a moral bias. That is things become right when it is the norm and things become even more right when it is an act that must be committed by themselves. We thus define ourselves to be moral or amoral in such a way.

The key to me is transcendence. To become the act and to allow the act to become you. I believe that you are what you do. To understand this though you must examine all aspects of choice; everything, from the smallest choice, to the life changing decisions. You must transcend the act and the choice in every way. It's realizing, for instance, that plastic takes hundreds of years to break down but never actually decomposes, and deciding if you agree with such a thing. Our choices tie strings to yourself and everything else it affects. Spending money is supporting what is bought and all that produced the product, dressing one way promotes an image, speaking changes peoples minds, etc. This to me is becoming, this to me is the nature of transcendence through existential inquiry. The only thing that must truly be decided upon is what acts are becoming of you and what acts aren't.

To sum it up, realizing that much of choice isn't governed by our own mental facilities and that freewill has everything to do with consciousness of the self and existence as a whole, your ability to transcend choice and allow each choice to be truly yours by understanding both what is certain about the choice and uncertain is what is moral. Authenticity to me is morality, or at the least I believe morality can be achieved through authenticity.

Now Transcendence isn't truth by all means truth because absolute truth suggest that nothing is real and everything doesn't exist (I could show you guys some creative arguments for this but I do this better in person then writing) but this form of transcending is the way in which i deal with existence.

What does this have to do with this group? well, it's like this: the aim of the group is to help enlighten and spread good, right? I believe that teaching others that they have a choice they can make and also teaching people how to make the choices that we as a group believe is right (remember too that what one believes is right is different from the next but that's another issue) is the key to do this. I also believe that as a group supporting one issue or another should be examined and dissected until each perception is understood that way the right (the one that each individual would want pursue) stance is made. This is complicated of course and maybe even over explained. To make it a little more simple: Teach people that they are. Teach them that they have a choice. Then teach them what choices we've made.

From Inversehalo member Aramal Malik:

To add to what No1inpartiQlr said,

Transcendence is a good approach to improving our outlook on morals and ethics, I concur with that. But we should also look at Potential Human Transmutation - the act of transforming our personal energy and intellect into the energy and intellect of all society and consciousness. While that seems fantastical to some of us, I believe that the universe is responsive (if not totally aware) of our individual efforts. If our struggle is positive and effects the spiritus mundi (the world spirit) then the collective unconsciousness of every single human-being processes our effort and everyone becomes aware of the ability to do likewise. To be less scrupulous about this:

if we create thoughts with good intention, IT WILL BECOME EVERYONES THOUGHT.

Looking around us we see that the world is a product of thought. In some places we can see where bad thoughts have become bad actions. In other places we see that good thoughts, have become good action. If we pollute the universe with our evil, then the universe will eliminate us from the process in order to cleanse itself...
Therefore, our aim of morals - our aim of our ethics should be founded upon the ideal that instead of polluting the consciousness of the universe, we have two choices:

-serve the universe
-help fuel the collective conscious with positive influence

By no means is what I've stated here the final or perfect answer to the question...
That way we can keep this discussion going :)

Besides, Morals and Ethics is ever changing, and hopefully ever improving....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Inversehalo Apocalypse

In 90days, Mr. Aramal Malik will resign as Chief Organizer from the Order of Inversehalo. Upon the resignation of the Chief Organizer one of two options are provided for the future of the order:

1-The Order of Inversehalo will be destroyed according to a complete reversal of it's Three Principals. Which in turn, upsets the balance of Inversehalo's progress and the education of it's members; returning everything back to an original state of worldly values within 90days. This objective is stated in the Inversehalo rule books under different sections.

2-Any member, regardless of rank, can contest against the Chief Organizer for rights and privileges to control Inversehalo, through a test exemplifying the Three Principals. If two or more members contest for the position of chief organizer they must in turn be tested separately and then all together (as well as against each other). Both types of tests can only be organized by Black Halo members who are not participating in the tests.

Begin date 7-6 Final date 10-3

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pedophilia and Sexual Addiction to Children by Mike Green

I would like to introduce you to the serious controversy of Pedophilia and sexual addiction. Statistics are quick and easy, here are a few:

1) 39 million adults, out of the 200 million in America, have reported being molested as children
2) 3 million children are expected to be molested, reported and unreported, every day!
3) Teenagers and Adults who are child molesters:

1 in 20 males
1 in 3300 females
(child molestation and prevention institute; us census bureau)

Statistics can also be used to allow perspective:
The Polio Epidemic killed 21,000 people
The Rubella Epidemic killed 57,000
Pedophiles convicted and confessed in 1999= 103,000

According to the data collected from convicted and confessed child molesters, Statistics show what type of person is the most common child molester and which children are most likely to be molested.

The Average Child Molester is:
White Male, between the ages of 18 and 55, with some college experience or more, married, working at a steady job, deeply religious, and well trusted.
(This basically says that the American Dream man of the Norman Rockwell age is the average child sex addict.)

The Average Molested Child is:
Female, between the ages of 4 and 16, who is trusting, innocent, intimidatable or coercible, and is more than likely known by the pedophile.
(Abel & Harlow child molestation prevention study)

Pedophilia is an obsession. Though the majority of molestations reported are by the average American, it has reached into all levels of the American caste. The acts of perversion against children as reflected in statistics are only those which have been confessed or discovered second hand and resulted in charges.

Those average men who confess feel guilty (93% of them are strongly religious) though they lack the will power to stop. They confess because they seek absolution, so these statistics do not include those who have decided to forgive themselves or who are content to live in a state of self persecution. So, easily, all of the “statistics” of confessed pedophiles can be multiplied by 3. This means that at least 9 million out of a 300 million total population. Children under 18 make up 25% of the total population. If we do the math real quick:

25% of 300,000,000 equal 75,000,000
9 million out of 75,000,000 is 12%


Every day, at least one in ten children will be a victim of sexual abuse, which includes Rape, inappropriate fondling, and every thing in between.

Through out the day you see a lot of kids and teenagers, one in every ten of these is a current victim. You will also see a lot of adults, men and women, the statistics say: 1 in 20 males and 1 in 3300 females are sexual offenders against minors. ( these statistics do not include other abuse, physical, mental, or emotional.

The basic implication of all of the numbers is to introduce you to the fact that you are in constant and direct contact with victims and victimizers n a daily basis. Due to your direct and possibly personal involvement with this particular idea you are in a unique position to change its direction. You are on of three people reading this article:

1. A Victim of Sexual Abuse

2. A Pedophile

3. A Bystander

There is a place for all three within the Inversehalo matrix. Refer to the end of this article for resource material and personal assistance.

Person 1, the victim:

A Child who has been sexually abused is more inclined to…

a) have addictions to drugs and alcohol
b) be sexually promiscuous
c) become violent
d) have self loathing and self destructive behaviors
e) become a pedophile later in life.
(Family Services-child molestation

Person 2, the Pedophile

Pedophiles are dually natured. Some want to stop but do not have the will power to do so, while some believe they are sexually gratifying their victim. Some pedophiles stay awake long hours in the night hating who they are and what they have done, while others are like ravenous wolves who psychopathically devour innocence guilt free. Some pedophiles wish to be free from their demon, some pedophiles become it.

Person 3, the Bystander

As a person who cares, you can do something about this. You can protect a child by knowing how and when they are vulnerable. Be willing to acknowledge the pedophile who can be stopped by proper action in your home and family, (MOST pedophiles are uncles, cousins, step-parents, family friends, and foster parents, (Abel and Harlow child molestation prevention study)) and extend to the community of your day to day life with the understanding that you can hear a silent victim, heal a broken innocence, and halt a voracious villainy that is stealing our future by eating our children.







Jerry Armelli
P.O. Box 19949
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219-0949
Sprt Grps / AIDS / Pedophiles




Posted by Mike Green

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Human Bondage...

'In today's society there are several forms of slavery which are publicly known and unknown. One of the worst underground forms of modern slavery is found within the International Human Trafficking industry. Where men, women and children are 'obtained' through abduction or coercion and enslaved to work in forced labor, prostitution and sometimes as human sacrifices. The hidden world of human trafficking is a disturbing epidemic that infects every nation on Earth. Even more disturbing is the reality that after more than 200 years of the American, Emancipation Proclamation Act we have seen the end of slavery and the rightful freedom of ALL human beings...'

to read more on this click here

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Question all Authority....

We must find the courage in our everyday lives to question all governmental and social authority. If we do not question what is told to us, then, the ability to say that we "earned" our own lives will be nothing short of a lie. As individuals on a personal quest, the more knowledge that we have that has been determined by our discrimination's and not by the face value of what others have told us, is what we really earn as our own personal truths. The more we question, the more we find, and then the more we really know.
Truth, is not in the eye of the beholder. Truth, is an established reality based off of our hearts discrimination to know right from wrong. Truth is simple, and lies are complex. If the situation calls for more "facts" then the underlying truth is being covered by more lies. The truth of ultimate reality in anything, is simple and easy. A child is truth to all mankind because a child's wants are simple and primal. As we grow, we find we have compounded the primal and simple with more information. Later this becomes confusing rhetoric when we ask ourselves why we feel and act the way we do.
The authorities around us keep control of the masses by dispensing their version of empathetic, filtered knowledge. By taking this route with telling us what to do and believe, they have invested a sense of security in themselves. Keeping ourselves dumb, is the cage that imprisons our sovereignty, and gives permission to tyrants to enslave us.
Question everything you know, question everything that is taught and said, and question anyone who is trying to gain the upper hand over you. By doing this, you may not become the smartest person anyone knows, but you will become the person that no one owns.

-Aramal Malik

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Child's Play....

Inversehalo members can take this as a point of direction for how to look at Project Orion...

-A. Malik

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

inversehalo project 2009

The order of Inversehalo has decided to take upon itself an investigation into the missing individuals, never found in Florida. With all the stories of abductions, child molestations, and trash bags of body parts found in rivers, we've decided to find those who have been kidnapped and eventually....the kidnappers.

This project will not start until, June of 2009, and we are still taking applications for membership. This year will probably prove to be very exciting for Inversehalo projects.

To apply click here.