That's GREAT!!!! This is a wonderful response to our projects.
We've noticed that our posters in front of abortion clinics and signs pasted along certain roadways are being quickly (and sometimes violently) removed. Even though the brevity of our products are either a child's smiling face or just a plain "inversehalo" advertisement.
It's apparent that our work is getting underneath some peoples skins, and that their reaction tells us that emotions like fear and anger are getting the best of them. This behavior proves that people who commit acts against humanity, cannot rationalize clearly when provoked or put under pressure. They attempt to erase their guilt by removing and destroying the cause of their anguish. This decision is made from an irrational point of view , in option to using a logical and morally sophisticated manner of settling the issue. An intelligent individual wouldn't let motivational concepts over-ride his/her focus or goals. Instead, they would ignore the provocations and gain the higher moral ground....
Of course, that kind of individual would evidently be, "guiltless".
So, as you can see, we are very excited about the response to our posters and signs. It tells us a great deal about the person(s), who are acting so "seriously".
But, as Thomas Paine would say,
"These are the time's that try men's souls".
this is a poster placed in front of an abortion clinic on University Boulevard around late August, early September....
this is how the area looks as of October 1st...
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