Monday, July 14, 2008

Symbols and Symbology

Taken from Inversehalo's Symbols and Symbology Part I...

"...In the book Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Manly P. Hall says,
"Symbolism thus embodies most fully the requisites of the perfect medium of education. Every symbol is a definite stimulus to the mind, and has the delightful faculty of reflecting the moods of the mind attempting to analyze its parts. In other words, a symbol always means what we think it means."
By interacting with the collective unconscious of our own selves we find that as individuals, we all have the ability to ascertain knowledge from the deep recesses of our mind and soul. By using symbols, we can unlock that part of ourselves, and use that information to communicate and learn.

The psychological value objects have on the human mind, allow any symbol to transcend time, culture, and language. Anyone, anywhere can utilize the information of a sign regardless of pre-formal training on how to read a symbol. Therefore, symbols by value alone, are essential to institutions or societies simply because their knowledge is uniform to an idea and not to cultural verbiage or prejudices. All religious institutions value the usage of symbols to reveal to the participants en-doctrinated ideas as well as inspirational lessons..."

to read more click here

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