By - Mike Green
On February the 9th, people gathered together at the Nombre De Dios cemetery in St. Augustine, Florida, in order to perform a mass burial for children murdered by abortion. Most of the volunteers were teenagers from local churches and schools. The only people that did not attend, were the ones who couldn't be there because they were aborted by nefarious and greedy doctors.
On a slow day, America alone will abort more than 4,000 unborn children. Their remains are thrown away as bio-hazardous waste or kept for stem cell eugenics. The volunteers today drove more than 4,000 crosses into the ground in order to acknowledge these dead children who's fate has gone widely ignored.
A number of adults spoke against a backdrop of Hymnals, while teenagers blistered their hands with hammering down cross-like tombstones. There were chastity rosaries handed out with prayer cards and bottled water supplied for the tireless workers. All of this done with the hope that this generation will continue the fight until the act of abortion is erased from our society.

Dr. Alveda King, who is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, was the highlight speaker of the day. The authority her presence holds with the African-American community is invaluable in the war against abortion. Her work helps chisel away at the demi-god idol that John Rockefeller and Margaret Sanger built that we know as Planned Parenthood.
Although, even with the support of everyone who participated Saturday at the Nombre De Dios, I couldn't help but notice how the pro-life community has become jaded and tired of their noble issue. This, in itself is very disheartening. My acknowledgment of this, was partially due to the fact that more people from the Jacksonville area were just simply, absent. My other personal observation occurred later that night at the candle light vigil. Of the many volunteers it took to erect 4,000 crosses all in the name of honor, only 8 individuals returned to attend the vigil. We can't feel jaded and tired about knowing that 4,000 beautiful children won't be here to hold and love because they were aborted. Once again thinking that some in the pro-life community might feel this way was simply, disheartening.
The pro-choice(or pro-child killer) side of the issue seems devout, loud, passionate, and unwilling to stop until they reach their sadistic occult goals. Even though a person is devout, loud or passionate on this issue, it can easily be confused for the truth of really being obsessed, boisterous, and arrogant. But if the pro-life community never attends to the fight, then their absence makes their opponent appear glorious and morally adept. Seeing that would be terrifyingly unsettling.
All we have to do win is simply show up to the fight!

See you at the next battle - Mike Green
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