I would like to introduce you to the serious controversy of Pedophilia and sexual addiction. Statistics are quick and easy, here are a few:
1) 39 million adults, out of the 200 million in America, have reported being molested as children
2) 3 million children are expected to be molested, reported and unreported, every day!
3) Teenagers and Adults who are child molesters:
1 in 20 males
1 in 3300 females
(child molestation and prevention institute; us census bureau)
Statistics can also be used to allow perspective:The Polio Epidemic killed 21,000 people
The Rubella Epidemic killed 57,000
Pedophiles convicted and confessed in 1999= 103,000
According to the data collected from convicted and confessed child molesters, Statistics show what type of person is the most common child molester and which children are most likely to be molested.
The Average Child Molester is:White Male, between the ages of 18 and 55, with some college experience or more, married, working at a steady job, deeply religious, and well trusted.
(This basically says that the American Dream man of the Norman Rockwell age is the average child sex addict.)
The Average Molested Child is:
Female, between the ages of 4 and 16, who is trusting, innocent, intimidatable or coercible, and is more than likely known by the pedophile.
(Abel & Harlow child molestation prevention study)
Pedophilia is an obsession. Though the majority of molestations reported are by the average American, it has reached into all levels of the American caste. The acts of perversion against children as reflected in statistics are only those which have been confessed or discovered second hand and resulted in charges.
Those average men who confess feel guilty (93% of them are strongly religious) though they lack the will power to stop. They confess because they seek absolution, so these statistics do not include those who have decided to forgive themselves or who are content to live in a state of self persecution. So, easily, all of the “statistics” of confessed pedophiles can be multiplied by 3. This means that at least 9 million out of a 300 million total population. Children under 18 make up 25% of the total population. If we do the math real quick:
25% of 300,000,000 equal 75,000,000
9 million out of 75,000,000 is 12%
THAT MEANS:Every day, at least one in ten children will be a victim of sexual abuse, which includes Rape, inappropriate fondling, and every thing in between.
Through out the day you see a lot of kids and teenagers, one in every ten of these is a current victim. You will also see a lot of adults, men and women, the statistics say: 1 in 20 males and 1 in 3300 females are sexual offenders against minors. (www.childmolestationprevention.org) these statistics do not include other abuse, physical, mental, or emotional.
The basic implication of all of the numbers is to introduce you to the fact that you are in constant and direct contact with victims and victimizers n a daily basis. Due to your direct and possibly personal involvement with this particular idea you are in a unique position to change its direction. You are on of three people reading this article:
1. A Victim of Sexual Abuse
2. A Pedophile
3. A Bystander
There is a place for all three within the Inversehalo matrix. Refer to the end of this article for resource material and personal assistance.
Person 1, the victim:
A Child who has been sexually abused is more inclined to…
a) have addictions to drugs and alcohol
b) be sexually promiscuous
c) become violent
d) have self loathing and self destructive behaviors
e) become a pedophile later in life.
(Family Services-child molestation facts.org)
Person 2, the Pedophile
Pedophiles are dually natured. Some want to stop but do not have the will power to do so, while some believe they are sexually gratifying their victim. Some pedophiles stay awake long hours in the night hating who they are and what they have done, while others are like ravenous wolves who psychopathically devour innocence guilt free. Some pedophiles wish to be free from their demon, some pedophiles become it.
Person 3, the BystanderAs a person who cares, you can do something about this. You can protect a child by knowing how and when they are vulnerable. Be willing to acknowledge the pedophile who can be stopped by proper action in your home and family, (MOST pedophiles are uncles, cousins, step-parents, family friends, and foster parents, (Abel and Harlow child molestation prevention study)) and extend to the community of your day to day life with the understanding that you can hear a silent victim, heal a broken innocence, and halt a voracious villainy that is stealing our future by eating our children.
a) http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/help/ca.htm
b) http://www.prevent-abuse-now.com/stats.htm
c) http://www.childmolestationprevention.org/pages/tell_others_the_facts.html
a) http://articles.directorym.net/EMS_AND_CHILD_ABUSE_Jacksonville_FL-r907089-Jacksonville_FL.html
b) http://www.girlscouts-gateway.org/cms/Storage/Files/Child%20Abuse%20pdf.pdf
c) http://www.justdetention.org/en/resourceguides/rg_florida.aspx
Jerry Armelli
P.O. Box 19949
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219-0949
Email: prodigal@goodnews.net
Sprt Grps / AIDS / Pedophiles
b) http://www.mhawestchester.org/mhaeducation/incestmono7.asp
a) http://blog.lsc.edu/brbarber/2009/05/11/research-paper-final-draft/
b) https://www.neighborhoodscan.com/FamilySafetyReport/lp/021-woot/?sid=GUSFS2024
c) http://www.stopitnow.org/suspectabuse.html?gclid=CKfZ_afvxpoCFRLoxgodzhZZrw
d) http://www.malesurvivor.org/index.htm
Posted by Mike Green Inversehalo