Not every person can be an adept in anything; this capacity being born in man as in genius. Neither is it possible for every man to become an INVERSEHALO any more than education can impart sense to the idiot or that a child born blind can be a master painter merely by learning the terms used to designate the philosophy of light and shade and the blending of colors. To become an Adept, an INVERSEHALO, a Master, an Initiate, there must be an innate feeling of rapture at the bare idea of the Mystery involved, and hunger for the unknown, and a conscious and abiding belief in one's possibility to attain Immortality.
Those who possess this inward consciousness and desire may become initiated with profit to themselves and mankind, for within INVERSEHALO all eat and are filled and drink to thirst no more.
Neither stoic, agnostic, atheist, nor egotist can become an INVERSEHALO. It requires feeling, and that intensified. Without this and a love for the welfare of humanity, initiation could not possible be achieved; nor could the Baptism of truth take place, to give birth to the new or dormant energies and awaken the Soul germ to a higher and better state of being, where Will reigns over all matter, so that the transmutation may become complete.